Journal of Health and Social Welfare 2024-05-30T06:16:45+00:00 Ashok Pandey Open Journal Systems <p>Journal of Health and Social Welfare (JHSW) is published by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Public Health Research Society Nepal</strong></a> Chabahil, Kathmandu, Nepal. We process all manuscripts fast and transparently, without compromising the peer-review standard.</p> <p>Aim: The Nepal Journal of Health and Social Welfare’s aim is to explore and improve research in the fields of health and social welfare with a particular emphasis on the diverse populations and distinctive surroundings of Nepal, social sectors, and technology.</p> Media Imperialism, Propaganda and Politics: Its’ Impacts in Third World Countries 2024-05-30T01:42:37+00:00 Umakanta Bhoortel <p>The global media landscape is a multifaceted arena where Western media exerts significant influence, particularly impacting developing nations. This research investigates the intricate dynamics of this influence, examining the interplay between power, politics, propaganda, and decision-making processes. Through a comprehensive analysis of secondary sources, the study uncovers deliberate policies aimed at exporting Western media models and values to Third World markets. It also elucidates the multifaceted nature of propaganda, wielded by both state and non-state actors to manipulate information and shape public opinion. Furthermore, the research highlights the imbalance in global news coverage, with developing nations disproportionately affected by selective reporting and distortion of events. The findings underscore the pervasive influence of Western media imperialism and its consequential impact on public perception and political agendas in developing countries. Moving forward, the study advocates for promoting media pluralism, enhancing media literacy, and fostering critical engagement with information sources to mitigate the adverse effects of Western media imperialism and propaganda. By fostering a more nuanced understanding of media dynamics, policymakers, media practitioners, and civil society can work towards advancing democratic values and fostering equitable global discourse.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Desktop Study: Approaches to Empower of Women in Rural Areas of Nepal 2024-05-30T01:40:06+00:00 Sunita Kumari Sah <p>In demographic analysis of national census 2021 recorded 51.1 percent of women’s population which is 2.2 percent higher than the male counterpart. The total population of Nepal is 29564178. Extensive prior research has been conducted on women's empowerment in Nepal, including a wide range of initiatives. Particularly in Nepal, there is fervent discussion on women's empowerment and rural poverty. Nepal government managed for inclusiveness in governance, still there are gaps to have equal rights found but effort is going own for equal participation in all walk of life as men, Following the establishment of the Millennium Development Goals, gender equality and women's empowerment have emerged as critical topics. This strategy views women as both the workforce and the development aim. Women experience societal oppression, gender inequality, and the burden of dowry and child marriage, among other criminal activities. Enhancing women's lives in both urban and rural regions, avoiding crimes against them, decreasing domestic abuse, and producing a host of other social and economic advantages are all made possible by women's empowerment.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 An Organic Model for Community Health Service Development: Empowering Rural Ruby Valley with Himalayan Health Care 2024-05-30T06:16:45+00:00 Ashok Pandey <p>The three-pillar model of primary healthcare, community education, and income generation opportunities forms the foundation for comprehensive development efforts in the rural village of Dhading. Even though there's been some improvement, Nepal still faces problems with healthcare, education, and job opportunities. To make things better, we need to keep investing in these areas. This means making healthcare, and education better, creating more jobs, and protecting the environment. We also need to involve communities and work with others. By doing this, Nepal can keep improving, with healthier communities, better education, and more chances for success for everyone. Himalayan Health Care initiatives embracing a collaborative and sustainable approach in the rural village of Dhading Nepal can persist in its journey toward holistic community development, enhancing quality of life, and fostering greater opportunities.</p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024