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We provide:

  1. Research solution course and training

Original Article Manuscript Development: We develop an Original Article manuscript (3500-4000 words) ready for submission to an SCI journal based on your research data.

Abstract Development: Impress the journal editor and future readers with a clear and elegant abstract.

Occupation-specific solutions: (Author, Librarian, Researcher, and Funding Manager)

Accelerating Publication: Solutions to help you on your path to publication, useful for researchers and authors of any level.

Nurture your career: Expand your skill set, search for a new job, learn how to present your work, and much more.

Create impact: Create an impact with your research and expand its reach beyond your peers and mentors.

Inspiring Knowledge: Attend interesting conferences and read up-to-date news and information related to specific fields.

Support to succeed: Share your work broadly and get recognition for it.

  1. Training: Based on the requirement of the researcher