Menstrual Related Psychological Distress Among Public Health Students of Affiliated Colleges of Purbanchal University in Kathmandu Valley
Introduction: menstrual related symptoms can pose a significant impact on women’s health. Many women may experience menstrual related psychological distress. The aim of this study was to assess the menstrual related psychological distress among public health students of affiliated colleges of Purbanchal University in Kathmandu valley.
Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among the public health students of Kathmandu valley. A total of 215 students were selected from five randomly selected public health colleges of Kathmandu valley. Semi-structured questionnaire and Kessler’s psychological distress scale i.e., Kessler-6 were used for interview. Data were entered into Microsoft Excel 2016 and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences Version 23. Descriptive analysis was done using frequency, percentage, mean, and standard.
Results: More than half of the participants experienced cramps (53%), backache (56.3%) and fatigue (53.5%). Almost half of the participants sometimes missed the classes due to problems related to menstruation. Near to one-third (29.8%) had menstrual related psychological distress indicating a high risk of mood and anxiety disorder.
Conclusions: Based on result conclusion of the study, menstrual related psychological distress is highly prevalent among the public health students.

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