Dark Energy A Potential Energy to Explore
Dark energy, Potential, ExploreAbstract
American astronomer Edwin Hubble demonstrated in 1929 that galaxies located further from Earth travel more quickly than those located closer to our planet. The term "dark energy" was coined in 1998 by American astronomer Michael S. Turner, who proposed the existence of an unseen energy form in space that accelerates galaxies away from one another. Saul Perlmutter, Brian P. Schmidt, and Adam G. Riess received the "Nobel Prize 2011" in physics for proving that dark energy is the reason behind galaxies' acceleration. In the scientific community, dark energy is still an undiscovered form of energy. As a galaxy slows down against attractive gravity, it can release mechanical energy since it is accelerating due to dark energy, which is an increase in the galaxy's kinetic energy ΔEk. The mapping of dark matter According to Hubble's rule, ΔEk = M(H0Δd)2, occurs as extra energy fills a new space formed in the process of accelerating cosmic expansion, based on two different distances from the earth, d1 and d2. Where H0 is Hubble's constant and Δd = d2 - d1 is the mass of a galaxy. Dark energy can therefore be viewed as a potential source of extra energy that humanity will eventually be able to use. It goes without saying that dark energy will have the ability to accelerate test objects in our laboratory as well as galaxies once the dark energy operator is found.
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